About Little Ol' Me


☆Any pronouns!!☆
☆I also go by Mags ig
☆18 | Leo
☆Bi | Genderfluid
☆ENG (multilingual people are cool fr)


Twitter | Instagram

TWs I ask for...
-Intense gore (yknow visible organs n stuff)
-Distressing irl media
-Mentions of rape, self harm, and/or suicide

I love these!: My homies, sweets (especially mint and fruit flavored stuff), dreamcore/weirdcore, Sonic, Kirby, Zelda, Madness Combat, Splatoon, blues and purples, your OCs and ideas, meeting cool new people, etc. cause brain empty ¯(°_o)/¯Don't come at me with this shit thx: Self harm and/or suicide jokes, irl gore, needles, harshness, manipulation, being pulled into drama.
Before you follow/interact... 
Please note that I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. So I may need further explanation or more details from time to time.(Art wise): Some of my drawings may cause triggers and/or eyestrain.
Homophobes, transphobes, racists, MAPs, MAP supporters, NSFW/18+ accounts, irl gore accounts

Hobbies n Extras


☆Any pronouns!!☆
☆I also go by Mags ig
☆18 | Leo
☆Bi | Genderfluid
☆ENG (multilingual people are cool fr)


Twitter | Instagram

TWs I ask for...
-Intense gore (yknow visible organs n stuff)
-Distressing irl media
-Mentions of rape, self harm, and/or suicide

Hobbies: Drawing, baking, reading, gaming (as you can see), sleeping lol
Current Brainrot: Splatoon 3 and Sonic.
Current top comfort character(s): Tails, Null (OC)
